Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WSDL styles

Firstly, let me talk about RPC/literal and Document/Literal(Wrapped)

RPC/literal -- uses methodName in soap:body, and the input parameters.
For eg. if you had a method like

private void simpleMethod(int x, int y)

RPC/literal SOAP request would be like...
<simplemethod>(Method name)

A Document/Literal(Wrapped) would be -

RPC/encoded would be like
<simplemethod>(Method name)
<x type="int">2</x>
<y type="">3</y>

Document/Encoded would be like

Check that there is no method names or sthg. Just the input params.

Document/Literal (bare)

Good like to read
<a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-whichwsdl/">http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-whichwsdl/</a></simplemethod></simplemethod>

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hard time

This has been a very very tough week. I have never had it so hard. I cant concentrate. I just wish there werent so many rules. I just wish we could do stuff what we want. Sometimes, something amazing can be missed just because there are rules. 

I hate rules. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Class.getResource and ClassLoader.getResource

I better blog this down before I forget and do another couple of hours of research.
1. Resolves name you pass to it. If the name has a starting "/", then it takes it relative from the classpath. means.. "/config/x.txt" == in classpath, config/x.txt should be there
2. If you dont pass a starting "/" then it appends the package name to the file...so, if the name is "config/x.txt" and the class is com.xxx.MyClass, it will look for com/xxx/config/x.txt.
Doesnt do any name resolving. Delegates to parent classloader, if not found, looks in current classloader. 

This is my execution:
C:\workspace\CL\bin>java -cp .;CL-1.0.jar a.B
I have a config file called POS.properties in ./config folder.

I tried to read POS.properties in 3 ways.
(i) From main method, 
Will find it. From current path, it exists in config/
Cant find it. From current path, Looks for in a/config/POS.properties. 
Cant find it
Will find it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

el corte de madera creek, woodside , ca

Yup...hiking day. Somehow...Didnt have lot to blog these days..things went too fast or I wasnt in a mood.
It was totally amazing! For the first half, we were going down the hill...thru the mountains and just before entering the mountains ...we saw the sign that it was infested with rattle snakes and mountain lions...we were bloody shocked and looked at each other.. We were shit scared... Well, we went anyway...then almost one mile down the hill...we see no one...we were alone....we wud stop at every creaking sound. We wud be scared with rats making sound etc... we thought maybe we r at a wrong place and we shud go back.. then we were at a point when we were totally freaked out. and then we turned back and started to go....but then at the same nick of time...we see more hikers... phew..from then on we saw lot of bikers and people..so it was cool. Then while going back...GPS was taking us down the hill....only car can drive and there were edges of the mountain.... ..I was ultra cool....and then the unthinkable happened... another car came in the opposite direction!!!!!!! ...heheheheh...someone had to move back...and it was all edgey....I moved back..and the other car somehow managed to move.....phew phew phew...I still cant get over the excitment...hopefully we go to more hiking!!

Check more pictures here...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Its Stupid, stupid!

We are going into doing stuff with OSGi. OSGi does dynamic linking up and stuff. Osgi manages lifecycle also.

So I think, whats the difference between OSGi and JMX. Research tells me, JMXing OSGi bundles :o

I forgot abt that...Then I figured, whats the difference between OSGi and Webservices. hehehehe
Research tells me, how to mae OSGi bundles as webservices.

More comments when I becomes smarter.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Natasha Bedingfield

Decent song.

sarkar raj

If I had fast forward option, I would have seen the movie in 30mins. I dont remember seeing a more irritating movie. The music is so irritating, every stupid scene has music. You cant say the actors did a bad job. There was no substance in the story, what can they do. But, then you would say great actors rise above bad scripts. Well, you can say amitabh bachchan is one. He is the sole saving grace of the movie. Sheer class, unbelivable acting.

Absihek bachchan is a directors actor. It defnetly looks he does what the director says. The funniest part is he has a pissed off face in the movie. why? His pissed off expression doesnt evoke any seriousness. His characters seriousness is not visible. God knows why aishwarya rai is there in the movie.

Rao saab, and amitabh take the credit. And also one of the villans...who is with aishwarya rai.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

TCS and Apple

You would think working for Apple is cool. Not if you from TCS. TCS'ers are treated like shit, like cheap monkeys. Three - four people are stuffed in a cubicle. If you were apple employee, then you get a single cubicle. Well, I am not sure if Apple treats all consultants like this OR if TCS is its favorite baby.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ennio Morricone

Got to listen to his scores!

Its music that makes up a movie. Malena has a terrific sound track. I kinda read about this composer, but didnt really notice. That was until I saw "once upon a time in america". You should hear deborahs theme.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

java2wsdl p2n

Real headache -

sh /axis2-1.4/bin/java2wsdl.sh -o . -of junks.wsdl -sn ILoveJunkServiceImpl -st DOCUMENT -u LITERAL -p2n [all,http://junks.com] -cn com.junks.JunkInterface

When you give p2n.. make sure there is no space between ',' and 'http'. Else you would end up with this error -

An error occured while generating codeString index out of range: -1

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Die you fool!

Cricket! After 6-7 yrs of playing cricket, without having any exercise... I decide to join my colleagues for a game of cricket on saturday. Well, what happened next shudnt surprise anyone. I wont bore you with my travails on the field. 

What happened after the play is interesting.. I pulled my muscle in the thigh during game 1. I continue playing, lets call it hamstring injury. I fall down..almost have dislocated shoulder. Stomach cramps. I couldt walk up the stairs. I couldnt take my laptop from hall to restroom. I forgot to buy food...so had to make some food...and then had the sleep of my life. 
Me going to play next week as well! :D if I wake up...

Friday, May 9, 2008

My top 10 scenes in movies

Lets see...here they are in no particular order, or maybe I will put the order later -

1. Goodfellas - Walk in the restaurant .. The song "then he kissed me is played".
2. Once upon a time in america - The background of the bridge when they are walking scene
rest later...when I rememeber

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Plagiarism by Homer?

I was watching hercules last night. It was a horrible horrible movie. Anyway, I was thinkin about Achilles and the trojan war. And bingo! Something hit me. There is a freaky similarity between mahabharata and the trojan war. Both wars were based around a woman. Trojan war had Achilles, who dies upon being hit on his heel. Mahabharata had Krishna, who doesnt die during the war, but is hit on the heel too!!

Should I get a life?

Monday, April 28, 2008


Monday again. Start wasnt good. Roomie and me have a tiff. I got to be more tolerant. And my car repair costs 700$ :( 

Not even sure what the issue was. Need to check it out. Well, by now the "boobbox" heading would have caused enough impatience... 

I was talking to one of my friends. Lets call her cleopatra. So, cleopatra and me are talking about music systems. I mention that I had bought  my mom this sony mini-radio/taperecorder thing. Still cant remember the name. So she blurts out ...boobbox? (she wanted to say boombox). It was so spontaneous and so funny. If I were outside...I wud have laughed until tears came out. In office, I had to hold my laughter until my face became red. btw, she was sooooooo  embarrassed, in her terms.

Geez, that was quite a spelling mistake!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Marrisa mayer

She is absolutely amazing! Check this out - http://www.sanfranmag.com/story/adventures-marissa#story_top

Sunday, April 20, 2008

what happened on weekend

Phriday - Went to "forgetting sarah marshall". Real load of crap. Cheap dirty jokes. Male frontal nudity. Had to do lot of stuff on saturday, atleast planned to do a lot of stuff. Slept at 3:45pm :( and then woke up at 11:30 . There was a macys sale going on. Rushed to see if anything good was going on. Big disappointment. Missed the car registration. Need to go on munday. Then came back and dozed off until 900pm :( That was very disappointing.. :( Again 3:00 until sunday morning. Woke up @ 2:00 and went out with few frnds.
Went to see google office!! It was impressive!! I mean it was like home... the food was free and was all around. There was gym. fooze ball, table tennis. I mean for christs sake there was a fooze ball table outside a conference room. Totally totally informal. I like it that way. Played the fooze ball for sometime...was interesting! Then went to dinner to my roomies frnds place. I didnt want to go..I mean firstly I am socially inept and then I didnt know these ppl well enough. Well, I had to go anyway... But it didnt suck...had some good time!!
So sunday was "ok". Google was cool. You have to just work there... before the fuzz dies out.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cache creek

We went to atlantic city thinking we wont find any casino in CA. Guess what? This is a sin city. There are more casinos here than you can imagine. But they all suck. They dont have the money. It shows. Atlantic city was rich, classy. The games here was shitty too.

Roulette... I didnt see the numbers at first. I thought the wheel was spinning real fast. Then I thought this was way too advanced..that the numbers disappeared. Guess what!! The color where the ball falls.. a respective color card is picked up... Geez.

Ditto with craps. The higher dice, gets the respective color card picked up.

Well, they gave us 25$ bonus points since it was our first time. But you had to put 1$ to start with. I did and won 80$. It was on a 5cent machine. So didnt mind the winning!

And hey, apparently, its cheap to pay for your food. but not cheap to thrust your stuff on others throats.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Thread.sleep(). I finally get it. Thread.sleep() is a static method. You can call it on any thread you like, as you have, but what will sleep is the current thread, the one that called the method, not the one you called it on, unless they are the same, which in your code they don't seem to be.

Class A extends Thread{

public void run(){

What happens here is ...the doLongProcess() executes. On Thread.sleep, the main thread, which is Class A sleeps...for that time. and then the processing continues...since you have while(true).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Elmo and Praveen

I had to get sthg for nithya. She is just too cool. I have never gifted anyone anything. Just took wine to swapnas place. Its kinda sticky situation for me. I cant stand the emotions that go with it. Well, So I ask ppl around on whats the best thing I could get for a kid. I get few good suggestions.. but all point to Toys r us. So here I go. And Am I out of place or what? I take 4-5 rounds of the store, spend like 40-50 mins... Cant find a thing. Found a teddy - BORING. Found few slippers...didnt appeal to me. I knew the kid liked toys which made some sound.. I then kinda stumbled upon ELMO. It was funny and looked great. So, I took it!!

And if thought that was tough, u aint see nothin. To give it to someone was more nerve wracking! 1. She isnt well. Has viral fever. Bad timing-I
2. She gets some stick from daddy. Bad timing -II. (Me say to elmo , "elmo, maybe next time")
Well, while me done with dinner,,,,which was amazing... she back to her cheerful self. Me go and talk again...and lo and behold...show her elmo. She likes it. Me like it too.

Phew, It was like proposing to a girl or attending an interview. And all I was doing is giving a gift.

I need therapy.

Anway, chk me with elmo

Friday, April 4, 2008

Me techie?

I got my car yesterday. He brings the car outside to my office and its Apple Inc. This company has charm. People see you coming out of this company and you are like a techie guru. This driver was all telling me about his new laptop and takes me inside his truck and show it to me. he spends 2k on a piece of crap. I tell its amazing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Startegy pattern

Simple way. You have list of objects, you need to perform a function on them. The way you perform the function may differ. For eg sorting a list. You can use diff sorting strategies. You dont want to couple a strategy of sorting with the list.

First interface,

  • Strategy: This is an interface to describe the individual algorithms.
    public interface SortInterface {
    public void sort(double[] list);
  • ConcreteStrategy: Implements Strategy Interface and contains the logic for the algorithm.
    public class QuickSort implements SortInterface {
    public void sort(double[] a) {
    quicksort(a, 0, a.length - 1);
    private void quicksort(double[] a, int left, int right) {
    if (right <= left) return;
    int i = partition(a, left, right);
    quicksort(a, left, i-1);
    quicksort(a, i+1, right);

    private int partition(double[] a, int left, int right) {
    int i = left;
    int j = right;
    while (true) {
    while (a[i]< a[right])
    while (less(a[right], a[--j]))
    if (j == left) break;
    if (i >= j) break;
    exch(a, i, j);
    exch(a, i, right);
    return i;

    private boolean less(double x, double y) {
    return (x < y);

    private void exch(double[] a, int i, int j) {
    double swap = a[i];
    a[i] = a[j];
    a[j] = swap;
    public class BubbleSort implements SortInterface {
    public void sort(double[] list) {
    double temp;
    for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j < list.length - i; j++) {
    if(list[i] < list[j]) {
    temp = list[i];
    list[i] = list[j];
    list[j] = temp;
  • Context: The context maintains a reference to a Strategy object and forwards client requests to the strategy. Context may also define an interface to let Strategies access context data.
    public class SortingContext {
    private SortInterface sorter = null;

    public void sortDouble(double[] list) {

    public SortInterface getSorter() {
    return sorter;

    public void setSorter(SortInterface sorter) {
    this.sorter = sorter;
  • Client: The client sets the concrete strategy in the context and invokes the context to run the algorithm. You can also have the context set the Concrete strategy implementation itself, based on the request.
    public class SortingClient {
    public class SortingClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] list = {1,2.4,7.9,3.2,1.2,0.2,10.2,22.5,19.6,14,12,16,17};
    SortingContext context = new SortingContext();
    context.setSorter(new BubbleSort());
    for(int i =0; i< list.length; i++) {

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Disappointing day

Well, Last couple of days have been really sad. My ex-roomie in NJ, doesnt want to pay me the money he owes me :(. Instead of paying me the money, he is making all the reasons not to do it. Suddenly out of the blue, I get accused of being unfriendly and being a great torturer.

And it is all when I ask for my money. Is kinda funny really. Wish it were india, there are ways to take money from such people.

And I cut my finger big time while making butter chicken, and it tastes like shit.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Factory Pattern

Simplest way to explain this -


Every program needs a way to report errors. Consider the following interface:

public interface Trace {
// turn on and off debugging
public void setDebug( boolean debug );
// write out a debug message
public void debug( String message );
// write out an error message
public void error( String message );
You have two implementations -

Class FileTrace implements Trace{

Class SystemTrace implements Trace{

To use any of these classes, you need to instatiate these where ever you need them.
//... some code ...
SystemTrace log = new SystemTrace();
//... code ...
log.debug( "entering loog" );
// ... etc ..

Now if you want to change the trace mechanism in your code. You need to change it everywhere. Instead, we use sthg called as TraceFactory.

We say

Class Tracefactory {
public static Trace getTrace(){
return new SystemTrace();

And we say in the code :

new Tracefactory().getTrace();

We can thus change the Tracefactory, if we need to change the default tracing!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Static methods in java

Overriding does not work for static if you upcast the instance! With a static you'll get the behavior of whatever class you upcast to. Thus you cannot have polymorphic behavior.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

California smiling

Well, its been a long time. Its been that kind of a situation. I have moved to california from new jersey. Its all been real busy time.

Well, where do we start from. I get a call on friday ..the 14th march. I was supposed to report to CA on monday. That was no way possible. I took just 2 days off, but then I was on bench already for quite some time and cudnt have stayed longer. I was interviewed few days back thou, and nothing was informed to me. I guess they didnt find anyone OR maybe didnt find anyone better. Whatever the case, I was in. I actually didnt want to move to the west, I wanted to stay as close as possible to east. But then, I realised there was no point. Things wouldnt have worked out :( .. Its a sad truth or maybe I am thinkin too much.

well, now to th fun part. These things had to be blogged. I call up my landlord on sunday and guess what..he is in china. and he says he can come down only on the weekend. I am thinkin ...great! Few more days of fun. and so I relax.

I go out to watch a movie with one of my mates. Dr.Horton hears a who. Absolutely cool movie. Felt for my mate, he was feelin down. He was feeling pretty homesick. I would be surprised if he stays longer in the states. Well, me and him dont know what we want. Or maybe we know what we want in life, and we just dont have the courage to go get it.

After moving here, I dont want to stay here too, I just dont want to. I just want to go back home. Its like you know ... I miss NJ and its too lonely out here. Can you believe it? All my frnds are here and I feel lonely...and I knew noone there..and I had fun. The time of my life.

Well, I call up my boss on monday afternoon saying...I cant come. And he is like FU, pack and start. Then I panic. I pack until 6am in the morning. Sleep for 2 hrs.. Finish as much as I can. I call the cab at 3:15. By the time, I start ..I forget my tickets..The cab driver is more interested in telling me the greatness of indian and american cultures than dropping me for the 5'oclock flight. Well, anyway we make it. My flight was from NJ - Chicago - San Jose. The first flight is delayed..so I end up in denver and then to San jose. By the way, I had to go thru an extra securtiy check..since the great myself..put shampoo in the bag.

Well, After I land here...guess what ..I didnt book a hotel. I guess I needed to stay at my cousins place. I am extremely shy by nature and I hadnt seen her in 8 yrs. It was tough for me to stay here. Nithya was terrific. Pretty cool kid. Anyway, first day. I wake up 6:30 ..do my stuff...Vijay drops me at the nearest rental...I dont take the rental...and wait for my frnd. He comes and sugegsts that I bunk office today and look for apt. I take the stupid suggestion and do it. My boss bangs me again and FU etc etc... I go at 1200
meet people etc..... APPLE mate. its APPLE.

mac kinda sucked. Hope I get to love it more. Second day - I plan to take rental. Gueess what!! My credit card is out of limit :(. My frnd refuses to help. I get another one in time to help me out
But its too late anyway. I am late again. :( Dont like mac still.

Day three - We have to pay rent and take the apt. 1700$ . pure crap. but no choice. Late again! This time I get warning...well, it was coming. I hated it

Weekend was all shopping and stuff.

I try not to think of NJ. Its tough. Theres history there. I hate this feeling. I just hate it. I just love the place,...maybe not the place.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jersey gardens

Me hear lot abt jersey gardens, me thought lets visit, me discover it is waste of time and energy. There was no difference at all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long time no see

Well, things have been pretty hectic the last week. Hence Couldnt post any thng. Well, my project at verizon is over. I wont be missing the project as such. Nor the office. Just will be missing few ppl :( . I hate this feeling. And I wish more now , I wish I was very rich. Things fall in place so easily :(

Well, Now is the time for a new project.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Okay , review time.. Children stop reading.

Lets say, we go from top to down... I like it that way ;)

Good parts

1. This was my first movie of hritik, I guess. Cant remember seeing any other movie. I was impressed by his acting.
2. Since Aishwarya rai didnt need to be a "bubbly" girl, she was impressive too.
3. There is this romantic song..it was captivating. again, good performances.

Bad Parts
1. Horses look like ponies. We dont either have the budget or the creative skill to make a war movie. the extras are dressed bad. We dont do enough research.
2. Movie looks suited for episodes in telly. You get a feel that you are watching sagar's ramyana.
3. You had to read the review to figure out, wht the movie was abt. Was it romance? Was it war? Was it about akbar?

Well, from what I saw this was an adult movie. The director was trying to tell us how akbar was planning to , you know, "do it" with jodhaa.

The movie starts with bairam khan yelling and shouting and chopping and then going to mecca.
akbar is this sexually frustu guy. He wants it badly. He tries it with an elephant, but he realises..he cant possibly do it. So just takes a ride.

The rajput king is impressed, he offers his daughter.

but jodhaa, has already had dreams with another person. But, dad knows better... So, an alliance is formed. Jodhaa makes two requests, to be a hindu and to have a temple in agra fort. Akbar needs "it" badly, so he says what the heck -Do whatever you want.

Marriage done. Akbar finnaly goes to the first-night room. ewww, isnt it awkward? Looks like Jodhaa is on the same wavelength. She shooes akbar off.

well, now we are talking about "akbar the great". You dont become "great" just like that. Great people have plans.

He first uses his badi amma to insult jodhaa by making comments on their sex life. Then akbar tried to seduce her by showing off his body.

hmm...I dont kinda remember the rest of the movie... Except tht they do it finally..

Great thought(s) for the day
1. Impress father-in-law by trying to "do it" with an elephant. Make sure you dont overdo it, you dont want the father-in-law to get aroused.
2. Take into considertaion the girl talk.. The "I want to love you" before "we do it" thing. Akbar had to do some head chopping himself to reliev the pressure

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Make-out day?

we went out to a movie yesterday. It looked like it was a make-out day. There were 4 couples and all were making out. We go to the parking lot, there were ppl making out. There was lots of making out in the movie.

As it happens, I always have a guy for company on days like...valentines day etc.. The same here. hehehe

Wish it was a girl? ;)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Cactus flower

Absolutly hillarious movie. Goldie hawn, Ingrid bergman and Walter Matthau. Goldie hawn won an oscar for this. I cant help the feeling that the other actors cud easily be intimidated by bergman. She is this great actress and the movies she was in.. its a honor problly to act along side her. She does a good comedy timing thou.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Enabling SSL/ http debugging for Axis2

Well, after some struggle googling, I found the way to printout the logging stmts for webservices.
All you have to do is put these statements in your client -

System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.Log", "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog");
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime", "true");
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire", "debug");

and this is what you get...

2008/02/03 13:22:40:296 EST [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.useragent = Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0.1
2008/02/03 13:22:40:312 EST [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.protocol.version = HTTP/1.1
2008/02/03 13:22:40:312 EST [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.connection-manager.class = class org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionManager
2008/02/03 13:22:40:312 EST [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.protocol.cookie-policy = rfc2109
2008/02/03 13:22:40:312 EST [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.protocol.element-charset = US-ASCII

Saturday, February 2, 2008

It happens only in bihar

Check this out !
Hundreds of law students in Bihar went on the rampage on Saturday after being denied the use of unfair means in their law examination

February 02, 2008 23:15 IST - rediff.com

Very funny!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to make money as a company

I almost thought I wud pass up another day without blogging... You need to do something in a day mate to blog. Presently, I am Dozing off so much that...I feel I shud continue it to the grave.

And then, my company doesnt let me down. Sometimes I feel , a confused lot run the company. Me company didnt make profits this yr, or upto what was required...and guess what...they are taking back money from us ..hahahahaha. They give us something called as the EVA, and I was so funny to find a mail which said..."We couldnt match expectations, so pls give us some money back" ...We need to save our asses. When I think about it now, It seems "ok". I mean its a team right, You got to perform to make money. If you make money the company makes money. Whatever, I need a drink.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How low can one get?

I guess I hit a new low today. I watched romance between 2 cars. boo hooo...boo hoo...
I saw the movie CARS :((((( . What holy crap. Doesnt get any worse.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Movie review of the day

We have this freehold library, where we get nice DVDs. I get to watch atleats 1 dvd per day. So my lack of patience of bad movies should be measurable.

I hate romantic movies... The "cliche" movies... ok ..lets review few movies for the day -
1. PS: I love you
I had to watch this movie. Had no choice. Either I watch this movie with all folks OR I sit alone watching another movie and I dont watch movies alone :( . ok, now the review. The first 30 mins sucked. For a change the guy dies, at the start of the movie.. Ummm... me thinkin, I like this movie. Ek tha raja, Ek thi rani..dono mar gaye...ho gayi kahani! Then the story weaves alongwith some good humor...I liked an hour of the movie. Then everyone starts to cry. Gerald butler was great..love the accent. Hilalry shank was good. Go late 30 mins, come back 30min before the movie ends. You will have ok-ok fun.
Rating : 2.5/5
Chemistry: Doesnt exist.

2. Seducing Mr.Perfect
Loved it! Watch it!

3. Notorius
Boy o boy o boy... Tremendous chemistry between ingrid bergman and cary grant. I m in love with ingrid bergman. I mean, the acting was awesome. The love shown by ingrid bergman, the hesistant love shown by cary grant sums it up. Top notch hitchcock movie. I just couldnt let go of the acting. The eyes, the body language...phew..amazing.. Romance and Nazi...I m lovin it!

4. The lady vanishes

Not a romantic movie by any means... Another Alfred hitchcock one. The heroine looked great. and the mystery wasnt that bad. Kept me interested.

5. Iris - Yawn

6. I love hukkabees- Waste of time

7. Krishna (Telugu) - Kiss my ass.

8. Golden compass - Only thing I got out of this movie, is that one of the girls I know thinks I resemble a snake! is that good or bad? I am thinkin..dangerous. oh, btw the movie is all abt deamons...animals being deamons to humans etc..crap

9. 27 dresses - predictable story lines, bad acting, no "great moments"
A Love story is easy to make. Get a good looking girl with a great smile, a great looking guy. Get some humor. Bingo. I cud make one.

The day today

Munday!! One of my mates sent me a scary calendar.. brrr... Thou one of her "very" optimistic friends thought, "guess what, we get 2 mondays off in a week!" .
I thought this would be a normal day, get up..go to oppice, eat breakfast, sleep, eat lunch, go near some hot collegues to discuss important issues...I mean you got to know a good deal when it hits the market...and be back for snack, and go home. Boy! was a disaster... one prod issue after another.
Hey..and we went to cheesecake factory! It was fun... thou I thought the sexy atmosphere in there meant we were little overcrowded. The music was good, lights were little bright..I would prefer more dimmer lights. Food was...ummm..for gods sake..its a fuckin cheesecake factory. You eat cheesecakes there..not bloody dinner. Well, I have to give to the appetizers and the chicken. The egg rolls were awesome! just like the indian chat. The chicken was sweet...but the softness sucked me in. Was nice..just melted in.. It was called "spicy cashew chicken". Spicy, my ass. Couple of my mates had pasta, was a chicken dish originally. They removed the chicken and put brocolli, eggplant in it. I dont like pasta. Its like tasteless, bland and healthy. These folks had to do rigorous seasoning to like the dish. I have a feeling, they hated it..just couldnt see us enjoy our dish. I thought I would try "island tea" or a martini or sthg...well, damn. AND can you believe it! we didnt have the bloody cheesecakes in the bloody cheesecake factory. I was never the "dessert guy", couple of my mates fell into a cauldron of desserts when they were born (ala obelix who falls into the magic potion). They probably eat desserts morning, evening, and for dinner. Pretty decent meal thou... 70$ with tips for drinks, appetizers and a meal. and couple of hours later ..I am still bloody full!
Hey, and manish called..he won 1600$ in las vegas.. Unbelievable isnt it? It still doesnt like excite me enough to bet in AC.. I have lost enough to know that luck isnt my side.
See, Mondays sometimes can be fun.
Great thought for the day : Have dinner on monday.