Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Die you fool!

Cricket! After 6-7 yrs of playing cricket, without having any exercise... I decide to join my colleagues for a game of cricket on saturday. Well, what happened next shudnt surprise anyone. I wont bore you with my travails on the field. 

What happened after the play is interesting.. I pulled my muscle in the thigh during game 1. I continue playing, lets call it hamstring injury. I fall down..almost have dislocated shoulder. Stomach cramps. I couldt walk up the stairs. I couldnt take my laptop from hall to restroom. I forgot to buy food...so had to make some food...and then had the sleep of my life. 
Me going to play next week as well! :D if I wake up...

1 comment:

Whoknows said...

hahahahaha....serves you right,BTW, how was ur performance?