Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Class.getResource and ClassLoader.getResource

I better blog this down before I forget and do another couple of hours of research.
1. Resolves name you pass to it. If the name has a starting "/", then it takes it relative from the classpath. means.. "/config/x.txt" == in classpath, config/x.txt should be there
2. If you dont pass a starting "/" then it appends the package name to the file...so, if the name is "config/x.txt" and the class is com.xxx.MyClass, it will look for com/xxx/config/x.txt.
Doesnt do any name resolving. Delegates to parent classloader, if not found, looks in current classloader. 

This is my execution:
C:\workspace\CL\bin>java -cp .;CL-1.0.jar a.B
I have a config file called POS.properties in ./config folder.

I tried to read POS.properties in 3 ways.
(i) From main method, 
Will find it. From current path, it exists in config/
Cant find it. From current path, Looks for in a/config/POS.properties. 
Cant find it
Will find it.

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